I didn't really want anything for Christmas - didn't even have a wish list for my own shopping this year. I've been so focused on the little guy, and my life is pretty simple these days (very little entertaining or places to dress up for) that my amazon cart is usually filled with developmental toys or baby pjs the next size up. However I did start to take a look around for post-holiday sales. Unfortunately this has lead me to non-sale completely useless items that now top my wish list. For example, aren't these nesting dolls so great?
And this poster? Love.
And oh isn't the right time to get a 2014 Marimekko Calendar?
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
new tastes, new textures
As Levi is just coming up to his 5 month birthday, I've been in no hurry to introduce solid foods. He's been feeding so well, never seems hungry and is happy as is. He's been switching between bottle and breast very well and I've established a good supply. Why rush any changes? Inevitably though right at 4 months I started getting questions about introducing foods. From the pediatrician to family members- everyone wanted to see this guy with food smeared across his face. I was going to resist until he seemed ready.
In the meantime I started looking into feeding philosophies- mostly by accident. I had assumed that we'd just puree up some sweet potatoes and start there. However the more I looked around, I stated seeing information about baby-led weaning. This emphasizes the role of the baby to choose, pick-up, and taste foods as he wishes, as eating in the first year is more about experiencing tastes and textures than nutrition. What's more, new research has shown that when babies choose their own foods, they tend to eat a more balanced diet than that selected by parents. I liked the idea of letting Levi explore foods on his own time, offering larger chunks that he can pick up and taste (but too big to choke on).
Still, I was in no rush. Then, yesterday, as we were sitting down to eat, Levi was grabbing at things on the table in a more intentional way, and watching us eat very intently. So, it just seemed right to offer him something too.
I gave him chunks of avocado and an apple slice. He liked licking the avocado, but loved sucking on the sweet apple. No surprise there! His first food experience was fun, not messy, and pretty successful I think!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
four months
This has, by far, been the best month yet. Levi has always had so much personality, but it has really been shining through the past few weeks. In my last post I shared how sleeping and nursing has started to really even out, and that has persisted, for which I am so thankful.
This past month Levi has started to roll from tummy to back (just enough to let us know he can do it- but he seems to only surprise us with it occasionally). He's also started to really enjoy sitting, and can hold himself up quite well with a little assistance. Because he loves to stand so much, we got him an activity saucer, and it is such an amazing experience to watch him independently choose what he wants to play with, rotating to what interests him most. He sleeps from 7pm to 6am in his own crib with one feeding wake-up each night (though he may sleep a little longer if I bring him to bed with us at 6), and he's become a speedy little eater. He naps well most days- not on a schedule- but we fairly consistently get two morning naps and one afternoon nap averaging about an hour (though ranging 30 mins to 2.5 hours).
He smiles and laughs constantly and has such a wonderful nature. He loves his walks (now they're night walks, since it gets dark so early), being lifted up high above our heads, nurse time with mom, songs and books, and chatting with dad. I know he can't talk yet, but sometimes I swear he's saying 'hi.' Though we very rarely leave him, wanting to soak up all the time we can, Levi is so content to play by himself in his crib or on his play gym. He loves the toys he can grab, but can be just as content looking at his fascinating hands.
He hates his carseat and having to wait any time to eat. Even switching sides nursing can prompt a squawk of discontent. Other than that I can't think of anything that makes him upset. However I'm starting to notice that if we have a lot going on or are around a lot of people, he needs that quite time away with me. A few times recently when he's gotten upset (i.e. shots) when I've held him he's become instantly comforted. I feel more bonded than ever. I was worried that working full time would impact that, but we seem to have had no problems.
He had his well-baby visit yesterday and weighted in at 15 lbs 2 oz and a tall 26.5 inches. He's a tall lanky boy like his Grandpa Winn and Uncle Nick. I can't believe how blessed we are to have this beautiful baby who is so healthy.
I've been feeling much better too- nothing like more sleep to help you feel more like yourself. After some brief concern as I went back to work, I've really had a lot of success establishing a strong milk supply, another thing that I can only be thankful for. It was one of my biggest stressors for weeks. When I don't have work to finish up in the evenings, I take advantage of Levi's new found consistent sleep schedule to take the time to run errands, clean up, and generally get things done. We've fallen into a nice schedule at home, and it has made me appreciate routine more than I ever have before.
This sweet boy has brought so much joy to our lives. I'm so excited to share him with his loving family for the holidays. So much to be thankful for.
Monday, November 4, 2013
three months
I can't believe it has been three months since our little Levi was born. I was going to say that in the past month so much has changed, but really the past week has seen some significant milestones. In the past week Levi has finally ditched that nipple shield, begun sleeping longer stretches at night, and has moved into his big crib in his own room. He has a smile that is infectious, has just begun cuddling and sleeping in our arms (every once in a while), and has really started chattering away. He's finally started to cut those nursing times down too.
He really started to grow - it seems like every day I find a new clothing item to put away for the next baby. He has strong little legs too. He loves to stand on our laps, supporting his weight for as longs as he can until his knees bend, then muster up the strength to try again. He still loves to be outside, loves falling asleep while nursing, and loves his daddy. He smiles when he walks by and tracks him across the room. They have bonded so much during their week days together.
My favorite times with him are in the morning before work. He gets done eating and is in such a happy mood in bed with us. He looks right at us and chats. I also love that first nursing after work too. I finally get to hold him again and he either falls asleep in my arms in the warm afternoon sun, or is so distractible looking all around, he can't quite focus on the food.
We haven't imposed a strict schedule with him. He typically takes an early morning and mid day nap, followed by a longer afternoon nap. Every so often he'll take another evening nap. We let him sleep as much as he wants (which somedays isn't much) because it seems sleep begets sleep. He's been falling asleep awake in his crib or swing now, for which I am so grateful.
He's still as curious as can be with eyes scanning every which way. Now that he's found his voice, it's nice to hear him communicate in ways outside of crys. We're getting to know those little sounds quite well.
At three months I feel like it is time for me to strike a bit more balance in my life. Now that I am getting more sleep, I hope to find the time to jog. I really need to buckle down and work off that last bit of stomach, which includes me getting serious about no longer indulging every craving too. That pregnancy sweet tooth never really went away. I want to focus on our home more, cooking and creating a nice space for us. I hope to dive into work and I'd love to make stronger friendships. I realize that I'm just adding things in instead of taking anything else out, but I want to find a way to live a rich life down here in North Carolina. If nothing else, every day will be a success if I make sure to take advantage of every moment with my son.
Happy three months, Levi. You bring us more joy that you could know!
My favorite times with him are in the morning before work. He gets done eating and is in such a happy mood in bed with us. He looks right at us and chats. I also love that first nursing after work too. I finally get to hold him again and he either falls asleep in my arms in the warm afternoon sun, or is so distractible looking all around, he can't quite focus on the food.
We haven't imposed a strict schedule with him. He typically takes an early morning and mid day nap, followed by a longer afternoon nap. Every so often he'll take another evening nap. We let him sleep as much as he wants (which somedays isn't much) because it seems sleep begets sleep. He's been falling asleep awake in his crib or swing now, for which I am so grateful.
He's still as curious as can be with eyes scanning every which way. Now that he's found his voice, it's nice to hear him communicate in ways outside of crys. We're getting to know those little sounds quite well.
At three months I feel like it is time for me to strike a bit more balance in my life. Now that I am getting more sleep, I hope to find the time to jog. I really need to buckle down and work off that last bit of stomach, which includes me getting serious about no longer indulging every craving too. That pregnancy sweet tooth never really went away. I want to focus on our home more, cooking and creating a nice space for us. I hope to dive into work and I'd love to make stronger friendships. I realize that I'm just adding things in instead of taking anything else out, but I want to find a way to live a rich life down here in North Carolina. If nothing else, every day will be a success if I make sure to take advantage of every moment with my son.
Happy three months, Levi. You bring us more joy that you could know!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
inspiration block
Well, it's been two and a half months now that we've been living down here in Chapel Hill. There have been lots of challenges related to moving across country with a new born (he was only 2 weeks old!) but on of the big ones for me has been how it's impacted out new home.
We decided to choose a rental townhouse off craiglist so that we had something set early (the last thing I wanted was to have uncertainty about where we were going to live as my due date approached) and to start looking for a place to purchase once we got familiar with the area. The tricky thing about moving from Chicago or Boston to Chapel Hill is the housing stock is so different. Gone are the old brownstone or triple decker apartments with all their vintage goodness. Hello carpet, electric ranges, low ceilings, and shoddy finishes. We ended up finding a townhouse set in a wooded area with almost all our "must-haves." Three bedrooms (space was important since I'm working from home), laundry, AC, dishwasher and high ceilings. We have plenty of room and a few extra perks (two-stories, access to a pool, etc). There is carpet and the kitchen leaves a lot to be desired, but you can't have it all.
At first I really hated the place. Older white carpet really means grey/beige carpet. They didn't clean the place so it gave me the creeps until I could slowly scrub it down in the hours Levi was asleep (not many of those early on!). However once we were finally able to unpack and get some furniture set up- I realized how well our midcentury/danish inspired pieces fit with the place. I really do love the overall vibe of the space. Also- turns out carpet really works well with a little one.
The biggest challenge though has been been that now that all the boxes are unpacked, some art has been hung on the walls, the furniture arranged, I've done very little else. I've not even considered painting. Our bedroom/office has really just been thrown together. I've lacked the inspiration to make the space our own. I'm bogged down by working and caring for Levi, and since I know we may decide to buy within the year, I keep asking myself if it's worth it.
Yet, up until now creating spaces for our home has been a pretty central part of who I am- it's a pretty significant hobby - and not exploring that creative part of my personality has been a real downer. It's what I do to make a house feel like our home. Now, I feel even if I had the time or energy, I have no ideas.
Over the past few days Levi has been sleeping more at night, which makes me feel like I have a little more space in the evening. I'm hoping to have more energy (when I'm not catching up on work) to putz around a little in the evening and get creative with our space. I loved our home in Boston, and even if we are only here for a year, I'd love to love our home in North Carolina as well. I'm getting there. Slowly.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Getting to Know Levi
Levi learned to hold his head up just a couple weeks after birth. He just can't help looking around a room, constantly taking everything in. Recently he's been waking up for the day at about 7, chatting up a storm, just talking to himself. From the moment he's up he's kicking a leg or waving his arms - eyes always wide open. When he wakes from a nap we'll walk in and he greets us with wide eyes and a smile. One of my favorite things he does is, when we unwrap his swaddle, shoots both arms up in a big stretch. He's also very talkative with us these days. As he gets a little sleepy we'll hold him and he'll stare at us cooing, very intently telling us something (if only I knew what!).
His alertness and curiosity I think has made him ahead in some areas- he has smiled, laughed, held his head up, grabbed toys, and tracked moving objects so early. But it also makes for a very stubborn boy. He is tired or hungry without and instant's warning - and he'll let you know it! He needs a tight swaddle to keep his ever moving arms at bay. He does not like to sleep and it usually takes some effort to get him to nap- and he is up every few hours at night. It also means less cuddles for mom - he'd rather be moving!
It is so fun to watch him learn and grow. I can already tell he will be the boy who is always running, always asking questions, always getting into new things, always putting up a fight for what he wants - for better or worse.
Some of Levi's favorites include:
- Morning and evening walks around the pond- His dad takes him for a walk in the carrier bright and early, and we often go as a family in the evenings. He loves to be outside and if he gets a little fussy, a step outside will always distract him.
- Bath time- he loves the warm water and looking at himself in the mirror.
- Tummy time- from his first few days at home he's loved laying on his belly, lifting his head to check things out. Now he loves to be propped up on his baby boppy to look at his favorite toys including the Sassy Crib and Floor Mirror, and the Wimmer-Ferguson Playmat.
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? - You can usually get a smile out of him from this book. It has a great rhythm to it.
- Eating- He's really into his meals, eating frequently and taking his time- sometimes up to 90 minutes! After a lot of assessment into why this is, I think he really just likes to enjoy his food and lay with mom. This is about as much cuddle time as I get so no complaints here.
- His index fingers - this has become his way to self sooth, and it is so sweet to see that little finger make it's way in as he is thinking through something or getting tired.
We love him more and more each day, and I truly treasure every moment with him.
Monday, October 14, 2013
nursery art
(Newport Folk Festival)
It has been really fun selecting art for Levi's room. You have a little more license to be whimsical and to choose bold colors - especially since we're going for primary colors with him (primarily red). I didn't have to buy anything new for him so far. We had some great concert/festival posters that needed hanging anyways, so that was a no brainer. They're fun without being baby.
(Chris Thile and Brad Mehldau concert for Aaron's birthday last year)
(Punch Brothers)
I've also been hanging on to this needle point by my grandmother for years. It was one of the few things my mom actually hung on to, but she never hung it. I was never able to meet my grandmother, so it's nice to include something of her's - particularly with the eerily appropriate message she included.
Finally we have gargantuan reindeer pelt. We bought this in Helsinki last summer and waited to hang it because- let's be honest- it can be hard to find a place to hang such an item. So why not above a crib? It's as good a place as any.
Then today I came across the Cosas Minimas print collection Blanca Gomez. I had looked at her work before but I think she has some new stuff that would be amazing in Levi's room. I like that her work reminds me of children's book illustrations for the 60s- for some reason. Of course the Helsinki print harkens to his Finnish heritage (my husband's mother is from Finland) and fits with the reindeer pelt.
And this one is a little Frenchy- which I like since we found out I was expecting a couple days before a trip to Paris. We were so baby happy on that trip- and all my memories reflect that. Of course the red works really well too for the room. Maybe a Christmas gift for Levi?
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Robert Blue Ceramics
Beautiful ceramics by Robert Blue. I love these rustic feeling mugs and the colors are fantastic. Found at Mociun.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
After six weeks of exclusively sleeping in a swing, Levi has spent two nights sleeping in his bassinet! It was a very easy transition actually- he probably could have done this a few weeks ago. I do love this little crib and was getting nervous about SIDS, so I couldn't be happier.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
returning to work
My how much can change in the course of a month or two. I think of myself as a career-oriented, ambitious person. I've always tried very hard to succeed in my work, and always knew I did not want to stay home full time with my children, should I have any. Whenever I had time between positions, I was bored after a couple of days and missed the intensity and stimulation of my job. I remember the boredom of the long days of caring for children in my high school babysitting days, and never wanted that to be my life.
Even a month and a half ago, when I was struggling to understand new born Levi, I longed to be back at work. I dreaded the days I was left alone with him, because I knew it meant I might go all day without a moment's rest (this was before we could reliably get him to sleep).
At six weeks I went back to work part time. Now that we've moved I work from home, so the transition was pretty easy. He is napping much more now, and since I was coming off a long break, my workload was light. I could visit with him quite a bit on the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays that I worked. However, this week, week eight, is my first week back full time. Luckily we have family in town this week and next to help watch Levi while my husband has class and I work, but the reality of working full time is setting in. We also interviewed nannies over the weekend to watch him three days a week. That was much more of an emotional process than I expected.
Just as I started to really enjoy my days alone with this beautiful, smiley, interesting little boy, I have to spend most of my waking hours behind the computer. It seems so wrong that we have to spend so much money to do something we both don't want to do. I realize how lucky I am that I get to be here at home, reducing commuting time and visiting with him, but right now it is a really hard transition. I know in a few years I'll be happy I kept my career going, and with one of us in school, not working really isn't an option. I still love my job- but it is just a little less interesting than this amazing son we have.
I'm hoping once we get into a routine it will be less hard, and I'm so grateful for the flexible situation that we do have. I'm hoping some interesting projects will come my way, and that I'll appreciate the time I do get for myself while working. It's so surprising how much your perspective and desires can change once you become a parent. It's a great lesson in learning not to assume you'll know what you'll want in the future. For now I will take one day at a time, and savor every moment I have with this little boy.
Even a month and a half ago, when I was struggling to understand new born Levi, I longed to be back at work. I dreaded the days I was left alone with him, because I knew it meant I might go all day without a moment's rest (this was before we could reliably get him to sleep).
At six weeks I went back to work part time. Now that we've moved I work from home, so the transition was pretty easy. He is napping much more now, and since I was coming off a long break, my workload was light. I could visit with him quite a bit on the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays that I worked. However, this week, week eight, is my first week back full time. Luckily we have family in town this week and next to help watch Levi while my husband has class and I work, but the reality of working full time is setting in. We also interviewed nannies over the weekend to watch him three days a week. That was much more of an emotional process than I expected.
Just as I started to really enjoy my days alone with this beautiful, smiley, interesting little boy, I have to spend most of my waking hours behind the computer. It seems so wrong that we have to spend so much money to do something we both don't want to do. I realize how lucky I am that I get to be here at home, reducing commuting time and visiting with him, but right now it is a really hard transition. I know in a few years I'll be happy I kept my career going, and with one of us in school, not working really isn't an option. I still love my job- but it is just a little less interesting than this amazing son we have.
I'm hoping once we get into a routine it will be less hard, and I'm so grateful for the flexible situation that we do have. I'm hoping some interesting projects will come my way, and that I'll appreciate the time I do get for myself while working. It's so surprising how much your perspective and desires can change once you become a parent. It's a great lesson in learning not to assume you'll know what you'll want in the future. For now I will take one day at a time, and savor every moment I have with this little boy.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
“every thing that you love, you will eventually lose,
but in the end,
love will return in a different form.”
- May Benatar, "Kafka and the Doll: The Pervasiveness of Loss."
but in the end,
love will return in a different form.”
- May Benatar, "Kafka and the Doll: The Pervasiveness of Loss."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
two months
(attentive dad)
On Saturday our little boy will be 8 weeks old. I can't believe how fast these early weeks have passed. I probably should have posted much sooner because I feel as though I've been though so many stages of early motherhood already, but better late than never. While I think my experience has been similar to most new mothers, I also think our out-of-state move when our son was just 2 weeks old and not having family around to help before or after the move may have heightened some challenges. I found weeks 1 and 2 to be pretty easy outside of breast feeding. Luckily he caught on to that (what seemed like the hardest thing I ever had to do now, looking back, was really a breeze compared to many mother's who struggle with breastfeeding). Weeks 3 and 4 were probably some of the hardest of my life. Imagine spending days at home alone among unpacked boxes with a baby who seemed to never sleep, always want to eat, and cry when he was put down. With every free moment I was trying to unpack a box or clean the new place. I felt I had no time to eat or even use the bathroom! I was exhausted. While I loved Levi completely, I struggled with understanding why we traded our very easy life with this new one. It felt like it would never get better.
Since then everything has changed. Slowly but surely we are understanding his rhythms and I can now leave the house with him or by myself, shower when alone at home, do chores, get some quiet time, and wear normal clothes- all things I didn't think I'd do again! We had to learn that Levi had trouble sleeping because he was over tired, and that sleep begets more sleep. We learned the magic of the swing! We eased into the (E)at (A)ctivity (S)leep (Y)ourself schedule.

(a few shots of Levi's room- reindeer hyde from Helsinki)
While all this learning was happening I got to know my little boy. I always felt an overwhelming amount of love for him, for which I am grateful. However as he develops his own little personality, I've fallen so in love with him. I would do anything to get one of his smiles, and I truly enjoy my days alone with him. He is awake for longer periods of time and is such a curious, interactive, chill little boy. He makes ma laugh all the time. Every day he seems a little older, interacting with his toys in a new way, looking at books, making new noises, and feeling heartier.
Unfortunately this coincides with the end of my maternity leave. I'm happy that as I move to full time work (from home) next week, I have established a strong milk supply, unpacked all the boxes, and have Levi comfortable with a bottle. He just gets more interesting and fun each day though, and I can truly imagine staying home with him full time. Luckily I can enjoy the compromise of working at home, taking advantage of visiting with my little guy throughout the day.
My goal is not to make this a "mommy blog" but as it turns out, that is pretty much all that's on my mind these days. This will change as I'm able to explore our new home of Chapel Hill more and more and as I focus more on work and our new apartment. In the meantime this is a nice place to record my thoughts, so I can look back on them to remind myself that, 1) yes, it was that hard, and 2) yes, it was that rewarding.
(happy baby)
Fisher Price Swing- He sleeps so well in this, the white noise options are really pleasant, and I'm charmed by his big smiles up at those swinging monkeys. You can also plug it into the wall so you don't need batteries. I want to work on phasing this out, but for now it's great. Worth every penny for the sleep it provides.
Aden and Anais Classic Swaddle Blankets - We use many of these per day. To swaddle at night, cover his stroller, lay on the floor, etc. They are the best. We have 8 and it's not too many!
iPad- You spend a lot of time nursing. Especially for those times at night in the dark, you need something to help you stay connected and occupied.
Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother's Milk Herbal Tea- I really think this has helped me boost supply.
Ikea Leka Circus Play Gym- I didn't realize how early he would enjoy toys. He loves this gym, it's easy on the eyes, and very inexpensive.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Birth Story - Levi Joseph
Well, something big happened. We had a baby. He is now 9 days old. I've heard that you very quickly forget the details of the birth, and that you should write it down to remember. I figured I might as well share it here.
Everyone kept telling me that they didn't think I would go late, and I believed them! With a due date of July 27th and a move planned for August 15th, I was on a pretty tight schedule. As the day came and passed, and my husband and I kept having "last dinners out" and "last movies," etc., I was wondering if the baby was ever going to come. The due date was on a Saturday and my next appointment was on Thursday. I went in and my doc opened the conversation with, when do you want to be induced? Today or tomorrow? I was a little shocked. Though I was so ready to have the baby, I was not prepared for an induction, and it was very hard for me to process. I had really hoped to labor at home and try for a natural birth, and induction seemed to stack the cards against me. We scheduled the indiction for the following morning, and I had a very rest restful night, coming to peace with the decision.
The next morning we called before our 8:00 appointment, and they said the ward was full and to call back in 2 hours. We did and they told us to come in for tests- the ward was still full and they wanted to make sure the baby was not in distress. We went in for a non-stress test and and ultrasound, and everything looked good. They did tell us they estimated that the baby was 9lbs 7oz, increasing my anxiety even more! Could I have a large baby, or would I need a C-Section? We went for chinese food and killed time until 6:00, when they told us to call again. They were still full and rescheduled the induction for Saturday morning. After a long day of waiting and uncertainly, we called up some friends in the neighborhood to hang out, to take our minds off of things a bit. As I was sharing my fears about induction with them, they shared that a friend took castor oil to induce labor, and it seemed to work.
Now, I had read about castor oil and only seemed to find warnings against it- it can make you really sick and if it induces at all, can put both mom and baby at risk. But this information was from brief googling around. I called the woman who had used it, and she had done a little bit more legitimate research into it, and considering I was already 3-4 cm dilated and filly effaced, I thought it would be ok for me. We went to store with our friends and bought some. We spent the rest for the evening at their place, talking about being parents, our own parents, and our hopes for this baby.
When we got home at about 11:00 I took about 2 tablespoons of the castor oil mixed with a small amount of orange juice. I watched a little TV to take my mind off things, and fell asleep at about midnight. At 1:00 sharp I woke up to go to the bathroom. When I got up I felt pain pretty quickly, and worried it was stomach cramps from the castor oil. Turns out, I was having contractions! I waited about a half an hour until I was sure before waking up my husband. The pain was manageable but growing with every contraction. He started timing them right away and they were already 30 mins apart. I used a birth ball and breathing to manage the pain, but a half an hour later they were coming on so strong and were 2.30 mins apart. We called the hospital who told us to come in. I ran to bath room to vomit before heading to the car.
What a car ride that was! It only took 10-15 mins to get there, but every turn or bump while I was contracting was so painful! Already, I was second guessing my plan to avoid an epidural. We got to the hospital, and the contractions were coming on faster and more intensely. I was already 6 cm. I went to change in to the the hospital gown, and decided there that I wanted the epidural. They had hooked me up to the monitor to check the baby and were asking question after question, and I just could not get control of the pain. After beginning to shake and vomiting twice more from the pain, I asked for the epidural, and got it about 30 mins later. After that point I was deliriously happy. I knew things were progressing quickly, I could feel the contractions that were moving toward the session to push, and I knew we would be meeting our son so soon!
After a quick nap and six hours after labor began, I started to push. An hour and a half later, little Levi Joseph was born. As he was coming, they kept telling me how long his hair was ("You could braid it!"). I found pushing to be very natural and finally felt like I was doing something to have this baby- it wasn't just my body on auto pilot. All in all everything went so smoothly and the second I saw him come out I loved him so much. I could not have asked for the labor to have gone any better, and I would not have changed anything. My husband was incredibly supportive and right there with me they whole way. I had some complications afterwards (blood loss; hemorrhage) but nothing we couldn't get past. He was 9lbs 1 oz, 22 inches long, and hearty! He weathered waiting for my milk to come in and a latch problem like a champ. Every step of the way he only seems to thrive.
So this past week at home has been all about getting to know and falling in love with this very inconsistent baby. I can't quite tell his temperament yet, but he seems pretty easy going. We're slowly catching on to this breast feeding thing (such an emotional process!) just in time for a trip to Chicago in 3 days.
I'll continue to share more about Levi, our move to NC, and our new home in the coming weeks, but wanted to share this story while it was fresh in my mind. All I can say is that we are both so in awe of this little baby, and could not ask for anything more. We keep having to remind ourselves that yes, our dreams really have come true.
Monday, February 4, 2013
DIY desk
I will be working from home next year and am thinking about how I want my home office to be. I don't want to be stuck in my own room actually. I want light and I want a large working space that does not feel isolated. We have a very nice mid century desk with drawer columns on both sides. But I have always enjoyed more table-like desks and think I'll move to that. Here is a great DIY option I came across today. It even comes with instructions! via Cafe Cartolina
Thursday, January 31, 2013
The Event of a Thread, Stunning Interactive Installation by Ann Hamilton
Here is a nice way to begin your morning. So beautiful.
From The Kid Should See This via Laughing Squid.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
winter apartment blues
I have been in such a funk with my own apartment lately. No craigslist-ing. No rearranging. Basically ignoring huge sections of the house. I have been ignoring out plants, the living room as a whole, and never step into the guest room anymore (the cat box is in there and I'm pregnant so that a good excuse). I think it has to do with the gray skies and cold weather. Still it makes me sad. I just watch TV basically every night. Not cool. I have a couple updates on a list of to-dos around the place, so I should just get one thing done per week- I'll feel good about that. To dos include:
-Switch dining room chairs
-Mount and hang the reindeer Hyde
-Prep the guest room for a long term guest
-Organize and clean my closet
-Organize and clean the pantry
In the meantime I saw these candle holders on Manhattan Nest today. Only 5 bucks a piece! I might have to go for it. I'll sit on it for a few days and think about it.
-Switch dining room chairs
-Mount and hang the reindeer Hyde
-Prep the guest room for a long term guest
-Organize and clean my closet
-Organize and clean the pantry
In the meantime I saw these candle holders on Manhattan Nest today. Only 5 bucks a piece! I might have to go for it. I'll sit on it for a few days and think about it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I came upon this blog today and can't get the place out of my head. I've been doing some casual apartment hunting myself recently, and would jump on a space like this. Clearly their taste has something to do with it, but I would love a completely open lay out. I think I'd need at least one little bedroom for bebe- but the rest of this layout is perfect. However, try including "loft" in your craigslist search for apartments, and I bet you never stumble upon a place like this. I shall try anyways.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
another start
*Image from our November Paris trip
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