Saturday, September 5, 2009

to sew

Today I learned how to thread a sewing machine (thanks to youtube) and stitched a few stitches. Sometimes the result was a glob of thread coming from the bottom (any idea why?), but for the most part I think I can handle it.  I think I need a few more practice rounds before I can hem a curtain. I feel like such a housewife... but you know I do have a job and sewing seems so useful, and possibly even fun. So we'll see. I also have a scheme planned of joining a sewing class and meeting some much needed friends.  At least the machine is no longer sitting around, and now when I look at it, it won't feel like another failed project.


Nicole said...

I bought my very first wall hanging kit last week. It's a small halloween quilt. I'm excited to start it but a little nervous! Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

I have my grandmother's old singer from the 60's. I love it but can't find the time to sit down and actually do something. I started cutting out patches for a quilt when I was 15 and have about 500+ at this point. Time to get started no? I love the b&w fabric!

