Wednesday, January 7, 2009

random update

So I'm getting back into the swing of things. I was so sad to have to go back to school, reminding me of how sure I really am that I need a break from academia. I just finished the Fellowship of the Ring and enjoyed it very much. Hopefully I can get to the next book before summer (eek!).I have also begun two new ventures: knitting and selling on ebay. Hopefully they'll both go well. Here a few great pics of Aaron from break:

1) Aaron's cookies! He had a baking-fest one night to have treats to give away as gifts at work. 

2) Aaron at Strand. I love this place, and discovered a few great finds. So cheap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a lot of cookies!

what are you selling on ebay?

Justin got me nice wool yarn for Christmas so now I actually have to get good at knitting.

