Good morning! I woke up feeling so sick. Yesterday I was feeling something coming on and despite all the juice drinking, supplement taking and fizzy sick drinks I've become sick. Ug. Oh well. It's a beautiful morning and I have the whole day to stay at home and work on finals.
So the weekend has come and gone, and I had such a great time with my mom. It was a short trip but we did a lot. Here are some highlights:

Aaron made Panetone
and Hank and Lainey had the run of the place
Did you play "Isn't she lovely?" to set the scene as your mom arrived in O'Hare?
Ha ha I think your sister hates me.
HA... yeah can't help. But she is lovely so what can you do.
I don't have anything against the song "isn't she lovely" in and of itself. That is all I will say.
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