If I could have any car in the world it would not be fancy or new. I love older cars with a square shape, or old hatch back Saabs. I don't want a mustang or classic jag (well that would be ok too). I would love this 90s Jeep above. But I want my one day car to run and be dependable, after having so many beaters. So my new plan is to acquire my dream car, which should be a deal since nobody else would want it, and replace the whole engine. Kind of ridiculous. But wouldn't it be great if for the rest of my life I only drove this sweet Jeep, or an awesome orange Saab from the 80s? So great. This is my plan (will probably never happen).
i think that you would need to do more than just replace the engine...
I love the faux wood. Love it in the interior too!
the 1994 geo metro (according to an article aaron sent me) gets as good gas mileage as a new toyota prius AND as a bonus they are hilarious looking
i would be so proud to call you my cousin if you drove that jeep! and i am being compeltely serious, very awesome =)
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