So we have been in DC for just two days. Our neighborhood is so beautiful. Glover Park is just north of Georgetown and is a neighborhood primarily composed of row houses. It's residential, but close to a lot, including a Whole Foods and the University. This area and Georgetown to me feels like a mix of Europe and the South. I really love it and can totally see living here someday (for more than three months).
Our apartment is small but nice. It has a lot of books... but mostly in Spanish (and also has Spanish Scrabble). They are all about languages, Mexico, and Philosophy. It's interesting coming into someone else's place and trying to figure out who they are.
I'm really glad we are here. It's beautiful and interesting and exciting. But I'm anxious about getting all the work I have to do done, and still get all I can out of the city.
P.S. Bad news. I have to miss the Scott McClellen's testimony to the House on Friday because I have a meeting. Bummer.
I'm so glad you're safely there! That sucks it was a delayed trip... that's the worst when you're all ready to go. Where you live looks gorgeous! I'm sure you'll get so much out of it. :)
It does look very pretty! Glad that your move went well after the delay!
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