Tuesday, June 3, 2014

the pull

I can't believe another month has passed without a post. So many good things have been happening - A new home with lots of updates to share; a growing boy that teaches me something new each day; new explorations in North Carolina as the weather turns from spring to summer; great home-cooked meals. In many ways life has been good these past few months, and I've wanted to share these things.

Yet, I'm feeling the pull and tensions of this new life in new ways. I want to be a good and hard worker. I want to be an attentive and loving mother. I want to be a caring and available wife. I want to explore my creative side with settling in to our new home. Pursuing all of these things leave me with little time for the blog. I'm working on handling this balance, and I'm so grateful for all the wonderful roles I get to play in my life. I'm hoping to share more besides monthly posts for Levi, who is 10 months old today!

